D other day was d last Saturday of d month…hence started early 4m office…had a plan 2 catch up wid sum good food n a chilled coffee…n wid tat in mind jus entred in a mall…by d tyme I came out wid my Tropical Iceberg n a huge burger in hand d ground floor of d mall was packed up wid a hug crowd…music was played on n I could make out ther was sumthin interestin goin on…cuz everybody seemed very happy bein a part of d crowd…realizin tat I had nothing much 2 do back at home n I had quite bit of leisure tyme in hand I decided2 join in d fun…so I jus climed up d escalators n got myself fixed in a place on d 1st floor 4m wher I could c d whole episode in a proper way…tats wen I realized ther was a dance competition goin on n few groups wer standin in small groups in various corners of d mall…in different attires n I could easily make out it was a hip hop dance competition…all d guys n gals were teenagers n their excitement level was at d top…they looked bit tensed, bit worried n bit scared…but tat couldn’t make their excitement level come down…
Wat amused me d most s d enthusiasm tat those small kids had in ‘em…there was no doubt tat only 1 group s gonna b awarded d winners’ crown n they knew it quite 2 well…but tat was d last thin in their mind at tat tyme…their spirits were high n all they were doin s concentratin on givin their best performance on d stage…tat made me realize 1 thin sumbody said sumwher…’’if fate means u 2 lose give it a good fight anyway’’…n yup tat s 1 biggest truth tat we keep 4gettin a lot of tymes…
Winnin n losin s always a part of d game…doesn’t matter whether tat s a game of life…game on a ground or agameon d stage…but does it really stop d real players 4m givin d best they can…surely not…a real player s jus unaware of d consequences of d game…he jus plays his best game…n tats how he enjoys d game d best way possible…n finally he wins…y…cuz he gave his best shot…isn’t it a circle…u play best n u b d best…doesn’t matter whether u tried 2 prove tat u r best or not…u get proved cuz u tried givin d best of u…how amazing…
D game of life s also d same…y to bother wat it has in store 4 u…jus live it d best way possibleor rather play in d best way u no…n finally u DO get in there wher u always wanted 2 b…no doubt it s not s easy s spoken…but 1 who has lived lyfe tat way can understand how uncomplicated it s 2 let life play its own game while u play ur best shot…n tat lets u enjoy every moment of lyfe in d most mesmerizing way…lyfe itself brins so much thrill n compliments tat u don ve 2 think about havin sum more again…jus enjoyin each n every moment of it widout bein a critic makes everythin so enjoyable…if there s a hard moment jus let it pass by…n it does passes by…cuz finally any gam has it s end…n if there s a bad game it also does get over…I fact bad games take lesser tyme 2 get over…isn’t it…so all we need 2 do s jus ve a bit of patience n let d game take its course…meanwhile we let ourselves in2 it wid all our enthusiasm n energy…of course we ll win at d end…
My coffee was getin over n also d competition…I didn’t wait 4 d result 2 b announced…cuz there was no need 4 me 2 no who d winner was…d way everybody gave his or her best shot was all tat I heartened…I really wished if I could approach every single of ‘em n say a hearty thanks 2 ‘em 4 d amazing act they performed…n above of all 4 remindin me wid 1 of d biggest truth tat whatever game u play JUS GIVE UR BEST SHOT…n also 4 reassurin me about 1 more truth of life…tat WEN U PLAY D BEST U WIN …