This is exclusively for you Dad....oh no....’ My Dita’....At this hour of night I’m missing you....The loneliness surrounding me is making me miss those moments when you used to tell me stories to make me sleep....Your hand in my then short hair had always made me feel the world so safe.....I miss you so much....And that is why this is for you.....I might have never told you anything of what I m going to tell you today....Probably cuz I had a feeling that you have already known every bit of it, or might be cuz, I always wanted to keep those away from you....But I want you to know that you are the one person in my life whom I love without a condition.....And you are the one person who have always been 'my life' all through....
You know something Dita....you are my superhero.....Did I ever tell you about those classroom exercises, where I had to write essays on the topic ‘My Ideal Person’...You know what Dita...I had always ended up writing about you....Cuz you are really the one person in my life whom I find the most perfect one....But I had never shown any of those writings to you, cuz I always feared you might not like those.....cuz I had seen your writings (oh there is a secret, I always used to sneak into your diaries, I’m sorry Dita) and I had seen how fabulous they were.....And that had always made me get close to the world of fiction (and apparently I had ended up creating my own fairy land)....
Dita...I always loved being your Princess....I long for those days when you and me used to throw pranks on mom....I long to go back to those days when you used to protect me from anything and everything....I long to run back to those times when you used to sing for me....I miss those evening talks (I used to look forward for those cuz it could always save me from books, but didn't know those would be something I would die to get back).....Every single moment of those are so fresh in my mind...And they will always be.....And I just wish they never got over.....
You know Dita, every single word of yours act wonders on me....If I’m in thousand problems and I get to talk to you for a minute too (which always happens, cuz you always know when I need you, as you say it is telepathy), I get all the strength and courage in the world back....Everything falls back on track, life gets smoother and easier, exactly the way you have always craved it for me.....Do you know a truth, I can overcome any and every problem in my life, just that your presence (even if in the form of few soothing words) is always a mandatory....
The world seem so easy when you are around....The world seem so lively and amazing when your love is around me....Your words are the best medicine to cure any of my anxiety.....Your presence is so much needed in everything and anything I ever attempt for.....True, without you I will be nothing Dita......
You mght think at times that I have grown up and can take care of my own self....And at times I might act arrogant to prove that I really have grown up and have turned self dependent....But bottom of our hearts, we both know the truth.....You know that I still need you to take care of me, and Me??? I’m still the kid at heart, who used to get scared to go out in dark and always needed your hand to hold mine.....I’m still the arrogant kid, who never used to go to school without 3 kisses from you on my forehead.....I’m still the afraid kid, who used to sleep only if you had sat beside my bed....I have not grown up yet Dita.....Atleast when it comes to your love and care, I’m still the small kid who longed for your lap.....
I miss you so much Dita.....Teardrops stop listening to me when I miss you....But you donot worry...Your Princess also knows that her Dita wants her to be strong.....And you know right Dita...That I will never let you down.....But just want you to know one thing....I miss you....And I feel proud that I’m your daughter.....Love you Dita.......