'God wants you to know..'
Well, it is just an application on the social networking site "Facebook"…but then, somehow I happen to believe each of them in a rather seriuos manner…And somehow, it always finds a connect with the state of my mind for that particular day or that particular period…It might be my illusion to the fact that I want it to see in that way, but whatever it is, the messages do carry some comfort if I have a bad day, some patience if I’m in the verge of losing it, some happiness if my day is sad, some stabliity if I’m about to fly with happiness, and most importantly it gives me company to speak my mind out, ‘cuz, at that point(as i read the message from God), I feel someone is really speaking to me..And that is one of the most comforting things in life, when you get someone speaking to you, just exactly at the moment when you need to be spoken to….
Today, as I try the application and have a look at the message sent for the day, a state of surprise engulfs me (yes, once again)…The message reads..
’’Today, you should celebrate what an unbelievable life you have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make you stronger. Just as a gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can a life be perfected without trials. Take a time to acknowledge your life and to praise yourself. ”
The reason why I’m perplexed and surprised, is not ‘cuz this is what I need to know today, but ‘cuz, this is what I’m already doing….Exactly one year back from today, somehow I’ve taken a sudden decision to leave my utterly comfortable life back in a city, where I grew up to know the world; and had decided to come to a place, which I hardly knew, with nobody to call as my own…And, that was certainly not one of my wisest decisions anyday (to be honest. none of decisions is wise, but thankfully, they turn out to be somewhat blissful in my life always), but today when I look back, I don’t regret it…Neither do I blame myself for it nor do I curse the people for whom I had to resort to this decision (well, nobody forced me for it, so anyway they don’t deserve to be cursed)..Infact, I appreciate myself, and my sudden and bizzare decision which made me begin an experience that is worth the effort….
Well, as usual that was not this easy, as I sound now…There had been a lot that was going inside me at that point, some of which kept telling me, I was doing exactly the right thing, and some, of course, was laughing at me for my foolishness…But, as it always does, my heart won over my mind, and one fine day (or rather this very fine day, a year back), I decided to listen to my heart (honestly that is what I always do)…That was difficult, with no particular concrete reason, strong enough to make the people around me understand my effort, I had landed up in this place…
But then, today I’m happy about being here, about how things have turned out for me….Everything have made me (or rather in the process of making me) strong, and ready to make me face the real (which is bit different and difficult from my fairy tale one) world…But that is what life all about, right…You have a bit of struggle and a lot of laugh…Yes, I agree, in mine there is a lot of struggle (beyond my strength can carry at times) along with the laugh, but I’m in love with my life…’Cuz, every step it teaches me some or the other things…Every step, although it takes away some of my dear ones, it also brings me close to some new people, whom I love with my heart…..If at times, it brings unstoppable tears to my eyes, it also brings boundless joys to my life…And that is how it teaches me the biggeset and truest truth of it, that, no matter what ‘’Life Moves On’’..
And, today as I absorb my pleasant surprise with the meessage from this application (silly one, as most of the people saay, although I decide to differ in that opinion), I jus feel happy, truly happy, to be a part of the biggest truth of life…The truth of moving on…