Well….it has been pouring outside….continuously…or occasionally….or in bits and pieces…But it’s pouring…..An off day, all the time in the world all to myself, a steaming coffee in hand, a book to give me my desired company and some amazing music on my ipod…Yes, the perfect afternoon to make me feel, yes, it’s life…As I sip my coffee, I take a break from the book in my hand, and look out through the window…And, that is when I realize, it is exactly the same how it was that very afternoon….
Yes, that afternoon, when I realized that I was in love…That moment, when I fell for him…That moment, when I saw the world that I always dreamt off in his eyes…And that is how, I knew, he was the one I had been waiting for all my life…
Yeah, it was a day like today, it was pouring continuously that day too…The rain washed world around looked fresh, bright and clear like never before..The fresh breeze was just playing carelessly with everyone’s hair around…Yes, that’s how it was everywhere….I was sitting by the window in my flat, where I was staying as a paying guest…A steaming cup of coffee in hand, some soul stirring music on FM and a book in hand, which was the perfect company of all time for me… I had all the time in the world to myself, and that was how I always wanted my afternoons to be…A completely private and indulging one…I had every reason to be happy and should have wanted nothing more at that moment…
But, it was a little different that evening…As I sipped on to my coffee in that magical atmosphere, and tried concentrating in the enticing storyline of the book in hand, I realized I was missing something…Although I had no way to know what it was, it was driving me insane…. Every passing moment, I realized I was being ignorant about something which was highly important for me and the irony was that I didn’t even know what…
That was when I put the book down, and decided to have a walk in the terrace next to my room….As I stepped outside, the crystal drops of yet continuing rain welcomed me, so as did the fragrant breeze…My short hair got messed up and the rain drops gently washed my face…The flowers on the tubs were in their bestest look and the green bushes on the waist high wall couldn’t have looked greener and fresher… Mesmerized was the word that came to my mind, when I searched for one to describe my feeling…I kept walking…As I reached the edges, I looked out…And then, yes, exactly then, it happened….I realized what I was missing and it made me realize why despite of the most perfect afternoon, I was not enjoying the beauty of it, and also realized what I had been looking for all those while when I just ignored to even try knowing the same…
Yes, he was there…In that rainy afternoon, I saw his face…I saw his innocent face, his soft smile and those eyes which spoke silently yet with a deeper meaning than I could ever think of…And amazingly enough, he was waiting there for me, without troubling me, without asking me to come outside of my cozy place, but just hoping and wishing that I do show up…I didn’t know, since when he had been standing there, but I knew he had been there…Him standing outside my closed door opened a new window of my feelings… I knew instantly, all this while, it was him I had been missing so deeply…It was his presence that I was ignorant to realize as my source of completing happiness…And all this while it was him, who made me not feel the way I felt at that very afternoon…
I ran to him….I was standing face to face with him in the next minute….He was staring at me, and I was at him…I didn’t say a thing, neither did he…Because we knew, what was in each other’s mind…Our eyes met, they did the speaking…..We were in the verge of forgetting the world, cuz, we were unfolding something which we never know would happen…Yes, that was how it felt then, the world just stopped, the only thing that was moving was our hearts…They were beating faster and faster with every passing minute…And I realized, that was the moment I knew I that I had fallen for him… And, hat was the first time I discovered the world to be even more beautiful than it always used to be…
The suddenly stronger breeze leaves my now long hair messed up….And I come back to the present… It is still pouring outside…And so is it pouring inside…Yes, it’s the memories of those times, pouring inside…Inside of me...And, suddenly I realize, something else too has been pouring inside me, since that very moment when I had fallen for him…That is LOVE….That love, which taught me how to live, taught me how to love and most importantly taught me how to dream…Yes, it pours inside me, with every breathe I take…