‘Freeeakkkk’ was the word that came to my mind, as I could see the train moving from the bridge….Yes, I just missed it….Two minutes and I could have reached the same to see my friends off….But no, crazy and lazy me could not make it, very much like any other time, with any other friends…..My phone rings, and as I pick up and start saying sorry, my friend says that it is all cool….Of course, anybody who knows me would try and consoling me, even if it is my fault, and this friend of mine too did the same…I get hyper with myself and buy a large cold drink to calm myself down…As I sip on it, and come out of the deserted platform, I just feel a pang in my stomach…Because suddenly I realize how difficult it would have been to live my life, had these people been not in my life….
Yes, these people, MY FRIENDS, who, over the time have become a part of my life…who, over the time have become my family…and who, over the time have saved me from going insane every time a trouble crops up in my life….Yes, these people have been standing with me, beside me, by me, every time I need them…Yes, these people have been crying with me, laughing with me, and also fighting with me, whenever a reason arises….And, along with each of these, these are the people who have been making me fall in love with life, over and over again….In short, these are the people for whom, I can afford to see and face life in any way it decides to appear…..
Very often, I say a thing to everybody (only those who holds a place in my heart) that I might not be the best of person they have met in their life, but their presence surely makes me the luckiest one…And when I say this, I mean it…There is not the slightest doubt about this (I like to consider it as a fact) in my life…I might fall into ant trouble, but that doesn’t make me scared, because I see my friends standing next to me to save me from it….I might never see a place before in my life, but I don’t get scared to land up in it, because I know somehow my friend will land up there too…But, most importantly, I don’t get scared to be myself most of the time, because I know, my friend are there to understand me, even if the larger portion of the crowd do not….And, that is how, you, my friends make me ME….And, I take pride to have you guys around me…
Good and bad, experiences of both kinds happen in life, in general…And my life is no exception…But, you guys turn my bad experience to some exciting ones too…And that is how they do not remain bad anymore… You share my happiness and make it multiplied….You share my pain and make it nonexistent….You wipe my tears and broaden my smile…You appreciate my compliments and ignore my shoutings…You remember my sweetness and forget my anger….And most importantly you let me know that I’m cared….loved…and wanted as an important part of your life…That’s make me feel so special…
It’s all about you guys…About those moments, that I wish I could paint in a canvas and keep them alive all my life…It’s about those insane jokes in coffee shops…those maddening laughs over phone, those crazy acts in airports….those irritating complaints in restaurants, those unnerving arguments over choosing a place for vacation, those long lectures over each others’ broken affairs….Those moments, of saying sorry over the home delivered pizza (with an idiotic ‘sorry’ on it), of buying me a daily planner and gifting it in the middle of air (with all my reminders written), of letting me two seats to sit (so that nobody else can sit beside me)…and on and on….Can I ever complete listing everything out…Without a doubt, CAN’T….
Yes, it is all about you, my friends, who give a new meaning to my life…Who, despite of knowing me as one of the most insane living being alive, treat me just like a precious gift…And that makes me feel that no matter what, I can look beyond…Because, somehow you guys make me stronger in life…
As I walk out of the platform, a sense of pride engulfs me….That is because, despite of what many others say and object, in life I’ve done few exceptionally brilliant jobs…One of those is making few friends whom I can say my own without a second thought….Having you guys around is one of the most mesmerizing and amazing feeling I can ever imagine of…..
Well, I should just stop now…But, as always with one sincere request to all of you, my friends…Please be there for me always…With you, I see no fear, I see no sorrow and with you I see no tough time…With you, I see all the happiness around, I see all the security around and all the love around…But what makes me feel so proud of you always is the fact that, with you I’m always ME….Thanks for being there…Love you all with my every breathe, and wish someday I make you guys proud too, for having me in your life…
Happy Friendship Day……