You will never know what you meant to me…You will never know what you gave me…You will never believe when I say you all that I could ever want…You will never realize how much my heart longs for you…. You will probably never get to know….But truths are always truths….And so even if you never know this truth will also remain true till the end of the story..
You filled my life like no one ever did…..You filled my heart like no one ever could……..When I lost road you guided me……..When I lost the world you created one 4 me…When I slipped on the paths of life you stood holding my hands…..You laughed with me…..You cried with me….You cried for me….You did everything for me….You gave me a partner 2 laugh with….You gave me a shoulder to cry on…..In short you filled my life with everything one could possibly think for…..
You told me ‘Life is beautiful’ and I could really see the beauty around me….with you….You told me ‘Dreams come true’ and I could always turn my dreams into reality…..You told me ‘I can do wonders’ and I really did wonders in everything I tried…..All you said always came true……Do you know why???? Because you were there to tell me what is right and what was not…….But the biggest truth was you knew me more than I do myself….And that is how you could know what can be the best for me…..
You were my friend, philosopher and guide….You showed me what life could offer….You taught me how to fight back in life…You taught me everything that can made me love life….What more….You helped me walk along the paths of life, by holding my hands….And that had made me feel that the journey of life is so easy and amazing….
You were right there when I was in trouble….Your arms were around me to shield me from any hardness of life….You stood by me when I was alone and devastated….You collected my energy when life had planned to gun me down……..You boosted my morale, you enhanced my mind, you enriched my thoughts….. And when I sobbed you were there to wipe my tears off…..
You gave me the best gift of my life…’LOVE’….You taught me what love is….You taught me how to love….And you taught me how beautiful it can be….And it was indeed more beautiful and charming because the person I fell for was YOU….Your innocent eyes, soft talks, warm smile….Everything about you made me fall deeper and deeper in love with you….But the best part of your love was you made me change….You made me being a better person….You taught me the values of life…Your love made me see the world from the best angle possible…..Where there was no selfishness, no hatred and no condition of giving and taking….
Thanks….For everything….For bringing the good out of me….For making me see life in a better way….For making me see the world as a better place to live in….For making me feel loved….For telling me what I could do…..For teaching me how to love….For each and everything…..You are one of the best chapter of my life book, which I want to read again and again….over and over again….
This is to let you know what you were for me….you are for me….and you will be for me…..Things may change, the world may change, and even you may change….But your presence in my life will always be felt….Your space in my life will always be the same…..You may walk ahead or away from me, but I will always place myself at a distance where I can stretch my hands and reach yours….Because the journey in life gets more and more amazing when you and me together…….And I know God has already built the road of journey and has also decided the destination…..All we have to is reach there…..I know the journey will not be a bed of roses, but we both together can conquer the worst of anything….So I am sure the journey will one of the most thrilling one could ever imagine…..
Cheers to ‘US’……..This is for you....With all my love....