Many a tymes I come across a very common remark (or should I say criticism, certainly cant call it a compliment) tat m not realistic….n tat I do thins which makes me happy, rather than which r logical….n tat m kinda wastin my life dis way….at tymes these really do affect me….n I also start lookin my lyfe through their eyes…. I try bein sensible abt d serious issues(it s not tat otherwise I don, but now widout givin it my colored shades ), I start lookin st d problematic factes of lyfe 2 n I start bein unwelcoming 2 d fun element of lyfe….but soon I realize m not happy tat way…it makes me restless, makes me lose d peace of my mind…..n makes me feel lyfe 2 b so complicated….n soon I come back 2 my original self….wher I ve my own small world….wher m happy n contended n which makes me re realize tat lyfe s truly so ahmazin……..
Is lyfe all about d bigi bigi fundas….is lyfe all abt bein logical n realistic…n is lyfe all abt makin it sumthin which u really don understand at d end of d day…. I guess not….doesnt lyfe ve a greater meanin than tat….Is not lyfe beyond d struggle n d pain tat we all go through….actually it is…but we overlook dis truth cuz we all run after thins which r unrealistic in d name of realistic lyfe….we always hanker after thins which jus help us flaunt ‘em but not really help us be happy….we stay in illusion tat we r happy wid those thins but d moment we ask our heart we no we r not….cuz d real happiness doesn’t come 4m those thins….it comes 4m d pure contentment of d heart n dis s really priceless, condition less n much more greater than wat we really believe it 2 b…..heart s one which never lies n never leads us on d wron track….n wen it says tat it s not happy wid wat our minds wants 2 ow, it really speaks d truth….but d mind makes us believe in a diff way….n makes us a slave of d unrealistic reality of bein logical….n bein materialistic n makes us trust on those which r momentary, rather than d real truth of real happiness….
Dis makes me take lyfe d way I do….widout thinkin of justifyin it 2 any1 who wants 4 an explanation…every1 does ve their ryte 2 live d way they wanna live it….so dis feelin of mine s purely MY OWN….I don expect any other 1 2 believe dis, nor do I want ‘em 2 nod their heads 2 support me….it s a pure plain feelin tat I believe on….n every1 who criticizes me 4 takin lyfe d way I do, I hope dis makes enough sense 2 ‘em….n I desperately wish sumday they understand my psychology of letting lyfe take it s own flow….cuz all m doin s havin my own lil space in dis crowd, n it s worth takin d risk…cuz at d end of d day m bein happy….n it doesn’t really matter if others think m missin a lot accordin 2 their measurement…cuz m havin MY LIFE in my own way….in my own terms n conditions…n it makes me feel good….cuz s I said it gives my heart a feelin of pure happiness…..
So here s a toast 4 me n my lyfe…in fact 2 all who lives in their own way….n widout really let others pry in it…cuz every1 has their own set of thins 2 take care of in lyfe…n God hs created each lyfe uniquely n hs made sure tat s/he can handle it in d best way possible….so lets jus say CHEERS 2 LIFE….n most importantly CHEERS 2 SELF………….
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