203.life s a song....so sing it all through....loud n clear...
even if u sing bad, no need 2 worry.....
if tat makes u happy, nothin else matters....
after all bathroom singers sing pathetic, but they enjoy 'emself d most....
so even if u end up messin ur life wid d most unusual thins...
jus chill....
if tat doesnt affect ur 'livin life 2 d fullest'..
nothin 2 feel sad abt...
202.s insomniac widout 'Fireflies'...............
200.last day of 2010.............
relaxed......n happy...n bit emotional...
end of an extravagant year.........
of course will miss d tyme....
but happy 2 embrace a brand new year...
n so a brand new tyme....
lovin d way chnages r brought in d course......
after all, 'change' s d only constant fact of lyfe...
n hapy 2 b a part of it....
welcome 2011.............
199. last Thursday of d year.........
no fire at work.....
long lazy lunch.....
'Vanilla Twilight' of 'Owl City'....
n....tat makes me feel real good....
jus need a hot steamin coffee 2 stray d laze away..........
198.last Tuesday of d yr....
tym 2 look back n c wat d yr had 4 me....
it was certainly 1 of d most excitin yrs in my lyf...
wid mixed incidents n accidents....
bt i guess it was a grt yr indeed...
cuz it taught me more than my entire lyf till date ever did...
n m happy abt it...
2010 realy rocked my lyf....(in all possible way)
197.d whole city s lighted up....
everywher Santas.... Rain-deer.....Sledges.....n White Houses......
d air s filled wid smell........
d yumms smell of plum cakes n all d Xmas goodies..........
n a lil chilled tooooo.............
m jus lovin it chooooooooo much........
luv ya guys............
196.s feelin choooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice.............
x'mas s round d corner....n so s new year................
wat can b more amazin n xcitin than tat........
c s got a xmas tree 2 on her desk......
decorated wid chocos....santa....stars....n ribbons....
how kooool.......
c s jus happy.............
4 evrythin around her......
195.dis s 4 all my frenz...who r worried abt me.........
well...2 let u no....
m all kool........
m all fyne.......
n NOT READY 2 mingle......
n m tryin 2 b bit artistic....so all my pics look sadistic......
but u can b assured tat m ALL KOOOOL........
love ya guys..............
194.m lost in a sea of probs....
dad s upset wid me........
cant decide on sumthin solid....
gettin bored of travellin every nyte....
my artworks not out...
fightin wid studio guys...
n d list goes on...
m jus gettin clueless....
need sum real help........
193.dont no watta say.........
m literally outta word......
no conclusion at all...........
192.Christmas s almost a month away....
But m already in d mood......
thanks 2 my agency...........
n d creatives..........
well......it s kool actually.............
it's time i plan out my christmas...
191.wants 2 go home n sleep...............................
c s tired.....sad.....irritated....and in deep pain...
her legs r achin....eyes r burnin....havin pain in inner mouth n ear....
n c s missin her dad,
cuz nobody else takes care of her anymore..........
190.is having mixed feelins...........
c misses few thins....
yet s happy....
again s thrilled wid few thins.....
yet misses sum1 around.....
2 conclude.....
c s lettin thins take their own course...
cuz end of everythin.....
c jus wants her world 2 b out of all d mess.....
189.I feel it's gonna rain like this for days
So let it rain down and wash everything away
I hope that tomorrow the sun will shine
I feel it's gonna rain like this
Rain like this
Rain like this
188.'Cause when you are with me,
I'm freeI'm careless, I believe
Above all the others, we'll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice
My sacrifice
187.is pathetically sad.......
c wants 2 go roamin........
n watch a kool movie....
but s in ofc.........
c doesnt even no y..........
worst part......
c s eatin cold samosa..............
no coffee even..............
n it makes her cry....
sob sob.....................
186.bad day 4 me............
i broke my nails..........
had 2 defend against dog meat........
n guess wat.......
m comin 2 ofc 2mrw 2.............
sob sob................
185.5 days of unlimited adventure.....
lotz of unconventional food............
great people around.........
n most importantly........
d temples in Puri........
wat a trip........
m still in d hangover.......
i guess, i should b a backpacker.........
life ll b jus rockin.....
off to BBSR.............
hope my trip turns out 2 b great one.............
happy journey to me...............
183.ther cums a tyme
wen lyfe gets stagnant
it stops movin even a step ahead
n tats wen everythin gets hazy...
d thrill of experiencin an all new future
doesnt seem anymore adventurous..
d thot of 'wat comes next' gets scary...
any which way
lyfe gets completely uncertain....
n 2 b precise...DULL....
PS...do I feel d same...desperately wish not...
182.startin afresh......
all over again...........
181.i hate November.....
i hate every day in dis month......
180.don no abt other seasons...
but at least in Diwali Pune jus rocks......
continuously glittered fire works.....
lines of lights.......
n ranglois at every door step....
jus lovin dis Diwali....
after home n Blore dis s 1st tyme m lovin Diwali.....
''Happy Diwali''............
d sky wid thousand crackers......
ahhmazingly beautiful...........
love everythin abt dis festival.....
'Happy Diwali'.........
178.lost till every bits....
confused till d peak of any degree....
clueless till d end of imagination.....
tats me....these days.....
jus no way 2 trace wats goin on...
feel like m in middle of a thousand VIVA.....floatin all over...
PS. Courtesy: Diwali layouts with floatin VIVA......
177.in my initiall days
smbdy in my ofc askd me wat do i drm at nyt
my rply ws abt al d fscintin stffs tat cum in my drms
he tld me aftr a whle all tat gna cum in my drms
ll b
Briefs.Requsitions.Creatives.Layouts.Artworks.Deadlines.etc etc
of crse (predictably) i dint blv
n 2day aftr thes mny days in dis place
i ve jus 1 thin 2 say
i gss i owe tat guy a Cadbury Silk
4 his prdctn
PS. m still in ofc
176.wanna go 2 sum beaches.....
lie on d warm sands.........
starry sky above.........
n me n my wanderin thoughts.......
thunderin sound of d waves......
n d breeze 4m d sea......
well......dreamin s no crime........
175.coke saves me................
'lil drops of happines'.....
so true.........
174.lonely is d word.................
thanks 2 my faith on d wron people..........
173.sleepless nytes.............
172.a Turkey is fed wid all d love n care
n on d day b4 Thanksgivin its neck is wrung..
by d ones who had been feedin it
d irony s
by den d turkey develops a sense of gettin pampered by d feeders
n takes 'em in2 faith....
d sudden change in situation makes it get lost
i feel d same 2
n it hurts......
171.sumhow missin bangalore.......
n J.P. Nagar............
170.i loved d rain...
i loved d soft breeze.....
n i loved d long walks n d long rides in rain.....
it's rainin again.........
but dis tyme....
m nt thrilled anymore......
still searchin 4 d reason y......
169.don really no wher d difficulty lies.........
bt feelin it all d while.......
truely findin it difficult 2 deal wid life.
d worst part........
against my will
ve 2 deal wid all of it....
n all of me ALONE.......
168.i believe it s Durga Puja 2day...............
n i ve d least info abt it............
celebration s d last thin in my mind these days........
failin 2 c d colors of life..........
167.life was always good...................
n now jus wonder.....................
2 of its kind....
d self-imposed 1...
of those wid convictions who seek 2 speak their cause wid a sense of protest...
tats wat i alwas had b4...
n now
d other 1...
of those who ve taken covr in a dark place....
n accept d reality of darkness bein d destiny of life....
i despeartely wish i don suffer 4m dis silence.....
n most probably i ll........
choco fantasizing.........(blink blink)
tired of bein sorry................
hmmmmm.......not me....
jus Enrique..............
163.pasta wid white sauce.....TWICE......
tropical iceberg wid choco sauce....TWICE...again.......(wid already infected throat)
cadbury silk.....
tat was my 2day's food....
now jus wonderin....
how much calories did i consume...
i guess it s time i start gettin cautious.....
or else god ll surely make me suffer..........
but wonderin...HOW 2 do tat......
fairy tales........
n sum more dreams......
161.listenin 2 sum of my fav songs
n here cums a realiztn
no doubt music s sumthin tat
makes anybdy blow away
gives peace 2 soul
soothes d mind n heart in d best possible way
but d worst part of it s
we alws relate evry bit of music 2 sum or d othr happenins in lyfe
tat makes us go bck 2 tat mment again n again
n gives a kinda emptyness
led by d fact tat so much ve changd since d last tyme d same music was played
160.I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you're asking me
I want you to know
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed...........
159.melted chocolate..........
whipped cream......
in iced cold coffee........ryte now m cravin 4 it.................
158.well........September ended...........
n i woke up............
it s tyme 2 sumthin amazin.......................
Courtesy..Green Day (Wake me up wen Sept ends.........)
157.wish could sit in an open terrace..
n play guitar....
till my fingers bleed........
n get high wid loud music.............
how relaxin tat could be..........
156.we mt lotz of ppl in lyf
sum of 'em influnce u 2 d core...n make u a diff person
sum teach u how 2 luv
sum motivate u like nvr b4
sum intrduce u 2 hatrd
it also happns tat sum of 'em tend 2 hit u at ur weakst points
while sum protct u 4m all d blws
tats lyfe
m happy tat i ve been meetin a lot diff kinds 2
n i jus ve 1 thin 2 say 2 'em
thank u..4 makin me witness so much........
155.Guess this means you're sorry
You're standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
All you said before
Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you'd never come back
But here you are again
'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
154.in d jurney calld 'life' evrybdy travls on his own
nobdy waits 4 nobdy
evry1 s self centrd
n evrybdy s stron enuf 2 ride on alne
bt stil if smebdy waits 4 u 2 resume his jurney wid u
u r lucky
cuz it happns nly wen u mean sumthin 2 tat person
n 2 mean sumthin 2 sum1 u rly ve 2 put real effort
or u ve 2 ve plain huge luck
so respct thse who want u by their side
cuz othrwise at d end, nobdy waits 4 nobdy...
153.true love s......
wen u no all d faults in a person...........
n still ur love remains d same.........
true love s......
wen u love d person equally at his worst...d way u did at his best......
true love s.......
wen u no thins r better off widout tat person..
yet u take d pain 2 face d strruggle..........
TRUE LOVE s really unconditional.........
PS. courtesy....my frenz........
152.beautiful dreams...................
151.everythin happens 4 a reason............
n everythin ends in a good note...
never believed tat..
but now ve started realizin tat.....
slowly but steadily.....
not any more.....
back 2 chaos...............
149.feelin bit down....
upset wid myself............
148.days pass by...
n lyfe moves on....
n thins fall back in place....
these r d biggest truth of lyfe.....
147.my love s like an ocean.......
n wen urs meet mine we can set out 2 c d world....
we both can sail in it all our lives........
on....n on....n on...
all u need s a lil courage.....
of not gettin drowned....
rest i ll take care....
n if ur love disappears u don ve 2 worry....
cuz we ll still sail in mine......
d purest fragrance of lyfe...
d reason 2 live....
d unconditioned reason 2 smile........
d greatest pleasure known...
so pure....n so true...
it s my lyfe.......
145.me goin colorful...........
tryin diff colors instead f black n white........
not bad.......
lets c how it goes.........
as off now jus gettin lost in colors..........
144.medicines makin me sleepy so badly......
tats y i hate 'em.........
143.feel like a limping duck............
142.my poor leg.....
m dyin of pain.....
n ideally i should go c a doc....
but m scared of needles.....
n so still not able 2 make up my mind...
poor me..........
141.my leg has gone mad...........
swollen like never b4.........
numb like never b4.........
n givin me hell of a tyme......
feelin sad 4 it.....
my poor sweetu leg........
sufferin so bad...........
140.i get numb...wen treated rude....
my brain stops workin....
my mind get choked...
n i don understand how 2 react...
need lessons on how 2 handle those situations....
cuz otherwise m gettin stuck.....
tooo bad.....
139.finally i got my noodles............
n yum yum ones...........
wid hot dark sauce.......
jus lovin it.........
tats my mind now...
137.I need HELPPPP........
Dying 4 sum SPICCCCYYYYY malaysaian noodles.............
HOTTT.....SPICCCYYYY......N DARKKKKKK...............
136.Every bit of pain makes u stronger..
Every drop of tears makes a drop lesser..
Every moment of struggle prepares u 4 harder tymes ahead..
So d best part of each happenin in life s tat it teaches u sum or d other thin..
So let d flow take its course..
Cheers 2 LIFE............
135.just finished watchin UDAAN........
just lovely....
LOVE always wins......
LOVE....d purest of all feelins..............
134.'ey were d insprtn in my lyf
'ey told me i ws spcl
'ey told me m gnna make it big
'ey alwys luvd me as their own
'ey made me fl spcl
evrytym i made a mstke ey covrd it up
evrytym my arrgance wnt off lmt ey hndld me wid luv
ey alwys hold a spcl place in my heart
cheers 2 all d teachers i've cum across
we bow our heads in 4nt of u
u teach us hw 2 walk on d paths of lyfe..
133.love s not always abt d bigi bigi fundas....
it s abt d small cute thins 2...
d smallest of grins...d small peppy hugs...
d small jokes shared...d small cute talks....
d unreasoned fytes...d aimless walks....
n d reasonless "LOVE U" n "MISS U"s...
1 who misses 2 realize tat
doesnt really deserve 2 LOVE ANY1...
n 2 b LOVED BACK....
132.listenin 2 sum soothin music..............
feels nice...........
in fact great............
life seems brighter n greater than it always had been.......
new plans in mind......
probably A BOOK...........
131.i hardly promise anythin 2 myself..........
but once i do i really keep it.........
made 1 such 6 years back..........
kept it till i could......
again have made 1 recently...
n gonna keep it 4ever.......
130.Colors of lyfe.......
In different shades.........
Upto me how brighter I can make 'em.............
September starts.....
so here's a song....dedicated 2 myself.......
130."Here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are
as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when September ends...."
129.everyone has a level of maturity in 'em...
jus tat it takes d ryte circumstances 2 show it....
no one s born matured....
but every1 does survive in d race of lyfe....
tats good enough proof of maturity in tat person........
isn't it.........
128.5 lousy days.....
didnt no wher i was...
now cumin back 2 life...
127.feelin sad n lost........
wish could cry it out loud.....
but I've decided 2 b strong n so cryin is not on my list anymore......
yet d ugly truth s
m losin interest 4 lyfe.......
but wid bit of sense.....
cuz gettin 2 no d reality...
126.'LOVE' happens 2 me very frequently
I fall in love very often
I fall out of it 2...very often
Everytyme LOVE happens I enter in a fairyland
Each very different 4m d other
Everytme LOVE happens I plan my future wid him
None of d plans resembles 1 another
Everytyme d intensity of my LOVE changes
Wat doesnt change all d tyme s
He always s d SAME person in all my affairs
125.Goin 2 B'lore....my sweet cute lovely city.......
Gonna ve 1 of d most peaceful weekends.........
M already in tears......Missed it so much..........
124.Lately I've realized....
My lyfe s much more dramatic than I thought 2 b.....
I end up gettin much more than I ideally should.....
I end up screwin thins much worse than d normal limit.....
I REALIZE thins much....much...much....much later than I TRULY should......
Still I feel lucky...
MY PEOPLE 4give me......
LOVE YA ALL...........
123.Paulo Coelho says....
"Love is d most constructive feelin.....
At d same tyme...it s d most destructive one toooo...."
Hats off.....Cant agree more 2 anythin than dis...........
122.wanderin thoughts....
helpless feelins..
lost mind.......
121.jus wonder....
if thers any end 2 my helplessness........
need real help........
gettin sick of myself n my psychic thoughts.....
wish could get rid of myself......
120.feelin so damn lost.............
confused n scared........
gotta decide sumthin.........
need help..........
lets c wat d evenin has stored 4 me........
119.feelin so damn lost..................
need help..........
118.wen ur soul s screwed u die......
darkness haunts u.....
u lose faith....
hatred rules ur mind....
n all u wanna do den s 2 break bones of d ones who screwed ur soul.....
tat s wat m exactly feelin these days.....
117.gettin high temp..........myte b fever..........
but m sure it s jus outburst of my burnt emotions....
completely messed up......
yeah.....tat s my mind....
n now gonna mess up any damn body.....
whoever dares 2 play wid me again....
even in their wildest dreams 2......
116.finally m a member of d club too......
who hate 'LOVE'.........
n now m all on myself....
hope no1 ever messes up wid me anymore...
115.it feels good wen u no u r not guilty anymore........
cuz if u were u wouldnt ve tried so hard 2 make it up..........
it feels really good....n light..........
114.wat goes around comes around...
goes around comes around........
all d way back around.............
113.sumtymes u jus cant help......
n tears break free 4m ur eyes......
n worse......it makes u miss d hand tat could wipe 'em off.........
112.They say it s painful, n I say it s thrillin
They say it s useless, n I say it s EVERYTHIN
They say it shouldnt happen, n I say it s d most important of all happenins
They say u lose urself in it, n I say we dsicover ourselves in it
They say it s madness, n I say it s faith
Yeah....tat s LOVE....
How can I hate LOVE wen it s my LIFE....
111.In your arms
I can still feel the way you want me when you hold me
I can still hear the words you whispered when you told me
I can stay right here forever in your arms
And there ain't no way
I'm lettin you go now
And there ain't no way
And there ain't no how
I'll never see that day
'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always
We will be together all of our days
Wanna wake up everymorning to your sweet face always
110.a lost mind........
achin heart......
painful breaths.
109.illusioned.....enchanted.....n lost.........
rollin tears.....
108.feelin lost......
n probably dead.....
don no how 2 get over it.........
107.lost n never to be found.......
yeah tats my 'heart'..............
n d rest s jus history.........
106.Losin d ability 2 differentiate
‘Love’ 4m ‘Hatred’
‘Faith’ 4m ‘Fear’
‘Tears’ 4m ‘Smile’
Each passin day brins more n more pain….
Don’t know how 2 escape 4m myself......
105.unlike d popular sayin goes
in life we do ve a DELETE button
jus tat we ve 2 find out wher they exist n how 2 make use of 'em
life s beautiful
jus few bad memories cant overshadow dis beauty
neither can a few drops of tears drown d vastness of d same
so find those delete buttons out n delete all d bad happenins 4m life
cheers 2 life....
104.rain-drenched n a bit tired
but luvin d chilled feelin
gonna grab a hot mug of coffee now
n den an awesome book s awaitin next 2 my pillow...
feels great
it s all goin awesome in every way
feel like thankin d unseen power tat makes thins happen so smooth n exotically...
life s great everyday
jus tat sumday we compare it 2 few greater days
no harm in tat anyway
jus feelin great tat m havin such a gorgeous life..
103.d bst way 2 avoid a prob s 2 detach urslf 4m d source of it
d bst way 2 let go smthin s by lettin urslf off 4m it
d bst way 2 live d prsnt s by lettin d past get ovr
n d bst way 2 luv urslf s by not lettin any1 luv u evr
so dnt evr let any1 luv u more thn u luv urself
stay away 4m luv n stay away 4m those who luv u deeply,madly,truely
cuz 'ey r d bigest thrts 2 ur life,ur happines n ur peace of mind
102.gettin a bad headache.......
probably d worst in last 6 years..........
feels if my head ll burst out.....
wish god helps me....
cuz nothin else s able 2 help me any damn way.......
101.had an awesome evenin
was standin by d sea in heavy rain
worli sea-face jus looks so dreamy in rain
n gettin wet wen d sea s in 4nt of u makes u feel jus so amazin
boarded a local after a long tyme
stood at d door all d way n jus had a lovely tyme
n den an awesome rain-drenched walk back home
n now havin hot steamin mug of tea n potato fries
feelin so relaxed
n bonus fact s 2mrw s a sunday
jus love all of it
100.list of probs in my life
my hair s spoilt n d curls r gone
my skin s lifeless n lotta red dots on it
my eyes burn all d tyme cuz lotta dust keeps enterin 2 'em all through
my nose itche cuz again dust plays its role
m bein fatty cuz i don get my salad everyday
my shoes r missin n my dresses r of no use
does anybody ve a sadder life than me
n still i dont n cant be sad
sumthin s badtyme wron wid me.....
99.a spicy plate of pav- bhajji n hot filter coffee....
tat was my lunch 2day......
n now it seems d coffee had no effect on me......
cuz m feeling sleepy..............
BIG TYME..............
98.in life u meet a lotta ppl
'ey cum,'ey go
at tymes u jus lose track of 'eir entry-n-exit 2-n-4m ur life
n u myte nt no hw 2 no who r ur real countrparts
cz many a tymes d fake fcts seem 2 b real 1s
aftr all d wrld s full of illusionry elmnts
Bt den
d tru 1s ll alwys walk alng wid u
no mattr wat
'ey ll alws want u
'ey ll alws ve a mment js 4 u
n 'ey ll smhw nvr go awy 4m u
n if u ve sum1 like tat u r dfntly a lucky 1
97.sad me after a long tyme.............
my rockets r missin............
my 1st ever handmade paper rockets...........
missin 'em........
96.wowwww............watta day.......
jus roamed n roamed.......
had all my kinda food every half an hour.....
had cold coffee to my heart's content....
shopped like mad....
n now m jus sittin completely relaxed.....
i jus love sundays....................
95.a lazyyyyyy mornin......
bright n charmin 1.....
feelin heavenly fresh after a long relaxin sleep.....
jus so awesome n yummy....
listenin 2 music in d loudest volume possible n relishin on a big pot of coffee.....
jus awesome....
lovin it wid all my heart.....
happy sunday.....
94.mumbai cuttin chai...................
jus finished d 1st ever in my life........
m missin d mysore road highway ones.........
i've started bein a pakka mumbaikar....1st VADA PAV n now CUTTIN CHAI.......
cheers 2 me.............
93.a long tirin day...
but feels good...
may b cuz of d weather...
may b cuz of d steamin coffee...
or may b cuz of nothin...
but jus d feelin makes such a huge difference...
life s strange...n happiness!!! even stranger...
watsoever...love d way thins movin...
cheers 2 life..
92.dis mornin jus found out....
my life equation has a better n easier solution than i always thought would be........such a comfortin feelin s tat.........
91.pourin since afternoon
wat a lovely rain
hot steamin coffee in hand,music on ears,textin on mobile n sittin by d window
jus lovin all of it
wid all my heart...
feel like gettin in2 d phone n bein on d other side
hope he 2 has d same thins around
cuz m feelin sad 2 enjoy it alone
it s jus so amazin n i no he s havin a tough tyme instead
wish i could reduce d toughness a bit...
miss U...
90.1 of d best mornin...
continuous soft breeze...n d cloud has covered d hot sun...
sittin in d balcony n enjoyin d whole scene...
wid of course a warm pot of coffee...
n d best part...
d balcony s d 1 of my flat...
tat says m not at work 2day!!!!!!!!
yeah...no work dis mornin...
wat an unexpected bonus...after a long relaxin sunday...
89.watched I hate Luv Storys...nothin in it....but Sonam looks pretty.....n Imran..............jus oooooooooooooohhhh......
kool tyme pass after a long tough week.......
anyways i like any kinda love stories.....
specially Fairytales.....
cuz i too believe in 'em......
n my lfe s not less than a similar 1.....
n i jus love my d way it is.....
cheers 2 lovestories......
88.mumbai s havin an awesome shower...
loved it...
was sittin by d window in an old bus...
silvery droplets made me almost wet n it was jus amazin...
people say mumbai rain s horrible...
but till now it s 1 of d most amazin thins 4 me...
jus tat miss U n miss gettin wet in d rain wid U...
anyways doesnt matter s 4 now...
cuz m 2 happy wid d chillin breeze...
87.feelin great ajthough hada a long tough day...
sittin by d window wid a cold chilled coffee...
n its jus amazin...
only thin missin s SUM1's shoulder n a cozy chat wid him...
how i wish u were here...wid ur shoulder lent 2 me 2 lay my head on...
missin U so much...
cheers 2 LOVE...
86.mumbai rain..
1 of d bst thins so far 4 me
mornin strts wid soft drzles
rains almst d whle day n evnins turn out 2 b so kool n relaxin.wid d soft breeze addin flavr 2 it
isn't it js amazin
feel so wondrful n cmplte
jus 1 thin missin.SUM1's hands in mine.2 hold n wlk in d rain
no wrries.sun we ll dance in d rain.2gthr.n 2 our hearts' content
s 4 nw mumbai rain s makin me 4get my lonelines wid its charm
luv u Mumbai
85.again mornin...a nice one...
drizzlin n feelin really lost...
wish u were here n we could go 4 a walk in s rain...
now m bein angry...badlyyy...n on u...
cuz cant help missin u...
a long day awaits...n ve 2 ve it widout u...
84.tired 2 d core...
all i wanna ve now s a soft hug...
n a shoulder 2 lay my head on...
i no...i no...d shoulder s far away n not practical now...
but who cares...
d feelin tat m layin my head on it s more than enough 4 me 2 ve a relaxin sleep...
thanks a lot...4 makin me feel tat way...makin me feel protected...
jus love it wid all my heart...
83.cooked ALU MATAR PANEER..........n it was heavenly tasty......(tat s a compliment I got)
I hardly eat tat kinda food n yet cooked 'em ROYALLYYY...........
great goin.....
at least I ll b able 2 help my husband in kitchen.....yup yup....
PS: thanks 2 u....u started lovin Italian n Chinese 4 me....so m masterin in Indian dishes....how s tat....
82.love s strange...
even if u stay 2gether 24/7 u end up missin him
even u talk 24/7 u miss him
n den...
even if u stay far far away u feel he s wid u
even if u don talk 4 ages u no u can understand each other's thins d best way possible
love s d best thin in life...
n love s true wen u love him at his worst d way u do at his best
n u r lucky wen sumbody does d same 2 u
didnt no i had been dis lucky...all d while...
love dis............gonna be roamin a full weekend...............
Mission "Mumbai Explore" to be executed........
80.planned 4 dominos...n ended up eatin puri-alu.........
n now i cant move....cuz i staffed my stomach wid a huge plate of potatoes.....
dis status update s dedicated 2 those of my frenz who complain tat i don eat......
all i want now s a few strong coffees....cuz my eyes r almost closin..............
79.back home after a long day...messed up,sweaty,hungry n jus exhausted...
n den a round of calls 4m sum unknown idiots...
can u beat it...
freaky guys...grrrrrrrrr......
anyway lovely weather....n romantic toooooo....
miss u bigggg tyme...feel like huggin u...sittin in d balcony wid a big cup of coffee n wanna chat wid u whole nyte...yummy na...
78.feelin so unwell...
wish u were here 2 take care of me...
n make me sleep in ur lap...
miss it badly...
do u rem...i never needed med wen u were around...
come down soon...
PS. u no na how 2 cure me...
73.AMAZIN RAIN..after a long tyme saw it in daylite..n it s jus so mesmerisin..d whole city was takin bath n ws lukin jus like a pretty gal.....
felt so nice 2 get wet..2 let d rain drops fall on me like nvr b4..jus a difrent world al 2gthr..it made me 4got my illnes..made me nt 2 care 2 take my stilletoes off 2 almst swim acrss a deep water pit..
bt who cares..had such an amazin evenin..jus lovin it..
72.Wen I ws lil al I wntd s 2 b wid my Dad
He ws d 1 who cld hndle me in my wrst
He ws d 1 who cld alws mnge 2 make me feel secure
He ws d 1 who cld undrstnd al my idiotic madnes
I ws his Princess...
I stil nd U
2 make me sit bside U n tel me al thos stories
2 rub ur hand thru my hair n make me fal aslp
n 2 make me feel tat d wrld s so mch bttr n easier 2 live in bein Ur Princess...
Love u Dad
Hpy Ur Day
71.Sittin by d window n lookin out ther..drizzlin..lightnin..n soft breeze blowin across..Such a heavenly feelin..
Missin a shoulder 2 lay my head on..missin a lap 2 hide my face in..missin evey1 i love..n missin d warmth tat 'U' create sittin jus next 2 me..
Sumtymes d best thins in d world seem incomplete..widout d loved ones around..
But den 'U' bein ther s enough 2 complete my world..thanks 4 makin me feel tat way..
M tryin 2 4get d feelin tat I miss u
Feelin Green
Wen d jealousy swls n it won go away n drms
Feeling Yellow
M confused inside a lil hazy bt mellow
Wen I feel ur eyes on me
Feelin fine, its sublimeWen tat smile of urs creeps in2 my mind
Nobdy told me it feels so good
Nobdy said u wld be so beautiful
Nobdywarnd me abt ur smile
U're d light
U're d light
Wen I close my eyes
M colorblind..
69.wen u at ur best u miss him...
wen u r at ur worst u miss him...
wen u r happy u wanna b wid him...
wen u r sad u wanna hug him...
wen u laugh u want him 2 join u...
wen u cry u want him not 2 c u...
LOVE makes u strange n alien...
but LOVE makes u strong...
n m feelin stronger than ever............love dis feelin...........
68.enjoyed d lovely rain..wanted 2 get wet..but no fun in gettin wet alone..jus missin sumbody..we both always waited 4 d rain..now listenin 2 taylor n tryin 2 go back in ther..
"There's somethin' 'bout the way
The street looks when it's just rained
There’s a glow off the pavement
Walk me to the car
And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there
In the middle of the parking lot
Really Miss u............
67.my sundays r gettin greater n greater.........had an awesome one dis tyme 2..............thanks sweethearts............n now listenin 2 Shakira................Tsamina mina eh eh....Waka Waka eh eh....Tsamina mina zangalewa....Anawa aa....This time for Africa.....................
everythin s jus awesome...........
66.Tsamina mina eh eh....Waka Waka eh eh....Tsamina mina zangalewa....Anawa aa....This time for Africa..................
65.such an awsome weather in here.........felt so bright...it s a bright mornin.....n d day gonna brin so much more..............lovin it wid all my heart......
64.rainin 4m d mornin...........such an awesome weather.....enjoyedd downpour sittin next 2 d window4 almost d whole mornin.....so far mumbai rain s ecstatic......lets c how long it remains d same....................
63.rainin in mumbai.....lovin it......gettin wet.....cickin lotta pics....havin ice cream......n eatin lots of peaches.................jus enjoyin d rain................
62.finally a sunday...........................n m missin my last sunday.......................
61.worked almost till 11 night......................but den m lovin it...................i love every bit of it............................
60.mission mumbai completed...............................1st my EVREYTHIN..................n now my job............gonna ve PERCEPT experience 4m 2mrw...................cheers 2 me.................
59.sometymes u really don no wat u want in life n wat makes u happy................but sumtymes u no UNDOUBTEDLY wat u EXACTLY want n wat makes u HAPPY LIKE NEVER B4..............
n m happy 2 d core now................jus loved it.......now i feel like leavin mumbai never ever in life............
58.wow........................it was awesome.........................jus loved it.........now i guess m enjoyin mumbai................love mumbai.............
57.Dint no wen it started bein in everythin I do
Dint no wen it started bein in my breaths..in my eyes..n in my smile
Dint no wen it started bein in my thoughts..in my heart..n in my soul
Jus tat i no it has started rulin my mind n life
Jus tat i no it has started decidin my fate
Simply it has started bein EVERYTHIN I ever wanted
N dis s d lil SECRET tat i carry wid me
D secret spreadin all across my life..n my days
56.Wen u no tat u no who u love, u can't deny it
Or go back, or give up, or pretend tat u don buy it
Wen it's clear dis tyme u've found d 1, u'll nvr let him go
Wen u feel in ur skin in ur bones n d hollow
Of ur heart, there's no way u can wait til 2mrw
Wen there isn't any doubt about it once u come dis close
U can feel love's 'round u like the sky 'round the moon
Dis is how love has found u, now u no wat to do..
55.Talk to the wind, talk to the sky,Talk to the man with the reasons why.....
And let me know what you find....
I’ll leave my window open
‘Cause I’m too tired at night to call your name....
Just know I’m right here hopin’...
That you’ll come in with the rain...............
54.confused.................like never before.................
53.missin my pasta n spaghetti salad...........................................CASA PICOLA...................n VIA MILANO........................
52.waitin 4 d rain in mumbai...................hope it would b really amazin..................
51.How do I say I need you…..how do I say I miss you….how do I make you understand hat you are my LYF….
How do I show you d broken pieces of my heart…..how do I show you d pain in my eyes…..how do I show you my shattered lyf….
How do I make you understand me…..how do I make you speak your heart out to me….how do I make you jus take me in you arm n say nothing….
How do I say I LOVE YOU…..I LOVE YOU…..I LOVE YOU…..
50.Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday,When I caught your eye,We caught onto something, I hold on to the night,You looked me in the eye and told me you loved meWere you just kidding? 'Cause it seems to me
This thing is breaking down, we almost never speak,I don't feel welcome anymore,Baby, what happened? Please tell me,'Cause one second it was perfect,Now you're halfway out the door
49.m always happy....i never cry....jus tat my stupid tears come rushin down my cheeks....how idiot they r.....i jus hate 'em....m fit n fine....HOT n SEXY.....hehehe.....n m happy.....jus tat my idiot HEART aches at tymes..............................phewwwww...........
48.down wid fever..................but still i jus love dis place........................hmmm........................anythin 4 u............................
47.suddenly there s a feelin.....unnamed....unknown.....n m bit sad.....it s such a lovely place 2 b....but den u always need 2 sacrifice sumthin 2 get sumthin else.....tats d way life s on......n i accept it....love dis place....n ll really miss it.........
46.too bad tat u loved me....too bad tat i did d same....in d end it proved to b jus an illusion....now it s hard 2 say goodbye....yet tat s best path 2 walk on.....so here's a heartfelt goodbye....love ll always b there at d bottom of both d hearts....yet y to embrace pain wen we no tats our destiny in bein 2gether.....GOODBYE..may angels walk beside u...........
45.drizzles on my face..tricklin down my closed eyes..droplets on my hair n makin 'em damp..one of d best feelin ever..wanna stand like dis till life permits..jus a thin missin..his hands in mine..n our heartbeats 2gether..sumtymes d small thins make life look so beautiful.........................
44.evenins r awesome....................................
43.every bit of pain makes u stronger..every drop of tears makes a drop lesser..every moment of struggle prepares u 4 harder tymes ahead..thanx 2 every single rough pace of my life..i feel stronger inside.. wish d truth lyin inside dis heart doesnt get criticised anymore s it always did..perceptions arisin 4m d outer shell s they appear,leave me n my loved ones perplexed always..wish d same 2 never happen again..
42.exhausted...................n sickened..........................n worst part missin a shoulder.....................
41.HAPPY BDAY 2 ME................PLANNIN 2 GIFT MYSELF A GUITAR........................ROCK ON...................
40.happy bday 2 me........m a big gal now.........n they don cry..............
39.Tell my heart to stop beating,Tell my mind to stop thinking,Throw a stone into the ocean then tell it to stop sinking,Tell the sky not to be so blue.Well, it's like telling me not to be in love with you.............
38.can u feel d magic in d air.........
37.mumbai again....................kool anyway.......bday in mumbai..............
36.once somebody told me if u r beautiful at heart god makes u look beautiful n charmin as well.....CANT AGREE MORE.....so very true....
35.There's somethin' 'bout the way the street looks when it's just rained There's a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car And you know I wanna ask you to dance right there In the middle of the parking lot, yeah............ And I don't know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless And I don't know why but with you I dance In a storm in my best dress, fearless
34.MARRIAGE.....................................SCARY.................................IS IT 4 ME.................I WONDER........................
33.it s too late for you..........n your white horse.................
32.was really waitin 4 dis moment......always.....4m last 2 years.....wen d wicked tyme ll jus pass by n we'll walk 2gether again....holdin hands....n ll jus run away 4m d crowd 2 our own sweet small world.....but again...tyme s so very wicked....ll my dreams come true.....or is dis d beginnin of a new wait.....lets c...wat s in store 4 me.....
31.wen thins go on track we hardly feel it......wen they get upside down we realize d worth of 'em bein on track.....tat realization makes us value 'em......n wen thins get back on d old track again it s like gettin a new birth....feels like gettin d LIFE back.......love dis feelin.....can even die 2 keep thins go dis way............
30.I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket...But I've got to get a move on with my life...It's time to be a big girl now....And big girls don't cry...Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
29.couldnt c thins wen i should ve.....now realize it 2 d core......but do i deserve a 2nd chance.....tat s d final question.........
28.wen u love someone love wid all ur heart n soul....it s 4 u....not 4 any1 else....wen u love it s u who gets d happiest....it s u who feels d world go round wid joy....it s u who sees d fantasy land...never expect d other person do d same...if he's lucky enough 2 see d fairy land wid u den he ll....love wid all ur heart...cuz LOVE itself s d storngest n best feelin in d world....HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY.................
27.wanna do it wid all my heart.............wish i were an angel wid a magic stick............hope god ll make dis miracle happen..................
26.hectic.....hectic......hectic............but it s kool..............
25.Dreams on fire....................................................................
24.mumbai s lovely..but my throat sucks right now................voice s jus a whisper in d ears......
23.jus lovin everythin......new year s really bein too good 4 me.........
22.new year s a step away.................new life...........n new meanin of life..........
21.feel like huggin my teddy........................i miss him................
20.lovely christmas over......m sad...........
19.merry christmas to all.................................love ya all....................
18.hopes it comes out to be kool..................................
17.miss it...................................
16.mixed feelins..........................................................................
15.10 more days 2 go..........................
14.Somebody loves u..... Somebody misses..... Somebody cant live.....Widout u......It's lonely..... Somebody hopes Someday U ll see..... tat Somebody's ME...... tat Somebody's ME.....
13.kooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllll evenin.........................................................................loved it...............................felt special after a long tyme..............
12.green s my new color................................
10.badlyyyyyyyy CONFUSED.....................................
9.had a rockin diwali..............had awesome fun..........cheers............
8.happy happy happy diwali 2 all my frenz......
7.chuck them outa ur life who doesnt no ur worth n value.................m gonna do d same.............soon...........
6.i hate people who breaks trust...................................
5.havin a hot coffe.n wipin my tears off.............
4.it s a lonely evenin.....sittin alone..........missin Jaan...................n my frens...........
3.its a sad evenin.....feelin low........cold chill breeze runnin across my face n takin me back 2 old funfilled days....wish could celebrate d day s we wanted.........
2.feelin low......................badly low....................life s gettin borin..............n bugginn.....n sick...n terrible.....n all d bad feelins watever s possible...............
1.Had an evenin nap 2 witness a scary dream....got up n realized how beautiful life s wid so much of love n care around...never really cared 2 value those but thanks 2 my loved ones I realize it now.....