I know, for few of you it will be too late to look back and forgive me, for all the time that I could not make you feel that I loved you with all my heart….For some others it will be too difficult to understand what did my love mean when all I did was throw unlimited tantrums and scared the hell out with those…..For some others it will be just a unbelievable truth if I say I really felt for them…..And the list goes on….And the truth is no one would really feel I ever could love them, but today I want to take this chance to let them know, that I have loved them all through my life…..I have loved them from the core of my heart….And most importantly I have loved them, without expecting them to love me back…..And here is my time to put an effort to tell every one of you, how much you mean to me….
There are times, I miss out to recall your special moments and miss out wishing on that….There are times I miss out to see your tears and miss out wiping them off….There are times I miss out to see you longing for a shoulder to cry on and miss out lending mine….But, that is never intentional……Given a chance and a choice, my heart longs to go back to each of those moments when I missed out doing something for you, and do everything that is in my calibre…Given a choice, I would go back to those sources which made you suffer and just destroy their existence…Given a choice I would never ever let you guys shed a drop of your tears…….But the truth is, it is too late….And it is too late to even make up for all the times that I kept taking you guys for granted…Kept taking your pain for granted….Kept taking your happiness for granted…And in a word kept taking the fact for granted that you guys are parts of me, who make me ME…..
Today, when everyone across is on the eve of the Love Day, and when I try figuring out the ones whom I love and who love me back more than I do, YOU are the ones who come to my mind….I realize you are the people who cared for me….who cried with me….who lent your shoulders to me every time I needed one….who laughed with me and made me laugh….and most importantly who LOVED me all across…..You are the ones who bore my arrogance all across…you are the ones who kept crying with my rudeness and yet never made me feel that the reason was I….you are the ones who never left me alone when you had every reason to do so….
And today, this is my chance to say that all the time when I failed to do so, the truth is I love you guys too….I do not want to say Thanks, cuz that is rather a very small word…But I just want you to know one thing…..You people are my LIFE…..and most importantly my LOVE…..So today I want you to do one more thing for me…..Just look deep into my heart, and you will see a clear picture of yourself, carefully captured in it…That is cuz I value your love from the core of my heart and will always do….Just one more request…Please don’t stop loving me…Cuz your love is what keeps driving me in the rather difficult journey of life….And at no cost I want to lose it….
Love you guys…..Love you always….Ahppy Valentine’s Day to all………..
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