d other day probably 4 s 1st tyme i was happy.......probably 4 d 1st tyme in dis new city i was happy.......in real sense.....n tat made me rebelieve 1 thin.....doesnt matter however hard u try u can b happy in real sense only wen ur heart s content.....u can view happyness 4m quite few angles....but ultimately d real happyness s not brought by money or comfort....or 4 tat matter any other materialistic staffs........a small smile 4m ur loved ones s all wat u need 2 b happy......a smile tat can make u feel ur belongingness 2 him......n tats love.....d strangest feelin god ever created.......
cant define how...but love has d most overpowerin strenght 2 make u feel happy.....u ve fear in mind of anythin...think about d smile on ur loved ones's lips....d fear disappears in d next moment....u r lost in d crowd...think about d arms of ur loved ones's around u.....u get ur way outta d crowd......u r scared of facin life....think about how beautiful ur life would b wid ur loved ones's...u get all d strengths 2 walk on d cuttin edge of lyfe......tats d power of love....n anyone ever fallin in love can undoubtedly say dis wid hands on their heart......
really.....there might b thousand moments in love which u don want....never expect n can leave u really messed up....but if u really can act fair to any problem in life u ll understand...tat love s d only thin tat can make anyone happy....it makes u so strong tat no other feelin in life can leave u messed up.....shattered.....n it gives u food 4 ur thought....2 make em matured.....n cant define y...but it always happen tat a person who can love can win anythin in life....n y not....he gets d biggest unreasoned support in love.....wat else u need other than 2 keep urself go on in d most sophisticated way.......
dis blog s 2 all who r in love....can love....n do love....doesnt matter wat.....it can be their parent tat they love....might b siblings....might b poetries....mght b paintings.....might b music.....it might b anythin tat one loves....but LOVE SHOULD ALWAYS B THERE......if u wanna b happy.....cuz HAPPYNESS S MADE OF ONLY N ONLY LOVE...........