y does it always happen dis way...tat wen u away 4m ur fav ones only
den do u realize how precious they were......doesnt matter it s jus
somebody...or somethin......
wen it s loneliness we miss d crowd....wen
it s summer we miss d winter.....wen it s sunny we miss d rain......n
wen it s all over we miss everythin.....life s like tat.....miss thins
wen they no more wid us......
jus dis mornin realized how much m missin
my old days.....cant help....gettin up 2 face few unknown faces....2
face dis deadly dry weather.....2 face every possible unexpected n
undesired experience......n tats wat makin me feel how much m missin my
lovely home back.......my small sweet home tat i made back in tat green
city....n yeah.....everythin abt tat sweet place s makin me miss it
even more.....d chillin breeze in d evenins.....d unexpected rain in d
evenins....d unlimited tea n coffees in d roadside huts......d long n
chatty long drives late at nites....d bunch of lovin frenz who used 2
run at middle of d nite jus 2 wipe my tears which were 4 someone they
didnt even know........
life s so strange....didnt realize tat time wat
m leavin back in there...didnt realize how much m gonna starve 4 those
moments....n now m dyin 4 every bit of it.....is it always necessary
tat we lose somethin n den only we realize how precious they
were....cant it happen dis way tat nobody ever has 2 lose
anythin.....cant it be tat simple......life s really strange.....one
moment ve everythin.....n d next jus nothin.....ll dis mystery of iife
ever gonna unwind....guess never....