switch on d tv n everywher it s been flashin continuously since it happened in tat cruel mornin.....wid every bit of flash don no wat other thins come 2 mind....but 4 sure one faith goes stronger n stronger.....life s so unpredicatble n uncertain.....2day we r here chattin....chillin....laug
still we fight.....still we compete.....still we always wanna make it big....n in tat course we make enemies....we make people hate us....we make ourself cruel.....and at d end we don even get 2 take anythin wid us....we jus vanish 4m here....how strange.....d more we think d more complicated it gets....probably tats one reason y we always overlook things in life n let it go rather den bein bothered.....one good way 2 adapt....
wish everybody understood d momentary feature of life...wish everybody could jus 4get all d bad n unwanted moments of life n started everythin fresh...wish love could get higher weightage than hatred....wish everybody could understand tat we might not live 2morrow....so y not embrace d goodness of 2day....y cant we jus 4get all d pain we caused 2 one another n jus run n take one another in arm.....n jus say "m still ther 4 u".....
yeah...we can do tat....we cant change d past....neither we no about 2morrow....but we surely can make 2day count by lovin and bein generous 2 one another.....at least lets learn 1 small truth 4m d tragedy tat happened recently....tat LIFE S TOO SHORT......n tat there s hardly any space 4 hatred...
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