It s been quite sumtyme tat I had last sat by d window n was lost jus in2 myself…n 2day wen m doin d same n enjoyin d face of dis rain drenched beautiful city wid a steamin mug of coffee in had I jus realized I had not been in my elements 4 long….in fact I had jus completely 4gotten 2 live my life…..n d outcome was I had really started overlookin d beauty of d world around me…..n it was jus my mental shell tat I had thought 2 b my world….n s usual dis situation played its own game on me…..blockin my heart n mind 2 sum illusionary world…..instead of facin d beautifu reaity I had been livin in sum imaginary pain n heartache….how foolish of me…..n all I wanna do now s 2 ask myself a simple question….was I actin stupid or was I letting myself get victimized by d stupidity around me….n does it make me regret?????
N wen I look 4 an ans I know I was actin stupid 2 others’ eye….n I was letting myself befooled by d situation….but about regrettin….. I certainly don……in my own terms n conditions I had chosen 2 be a victim of d situation n m glad I did….or else I had no way 2 experience an amazingly new n fresh journey tat m on board now…..n tat makes me realize at tymes it s good 2 lose elements n act jus mad n nuts…cuz dis s 1 way how u get a chance 2 enjoy thins in a different perspective…..yeah…at tymes u should let thins take its course….or rather let ‘em flow……tat might b a lil risky at tymes but d essence lies in tat….riskin d obvious makes it a thrillin experience…..n if it has a positive outcome it s amazin n if it s a negative 1, u ll end up knowin a new facet of life…which s all d more exhilaratin….so no loss in any case….
They say wen u play a game play it till d end….never back up n rest ll b jus decided….same way wen u take a decision however foolish it might look or sound 2 others don let ur mind drift away 4m it….cuz at tat point of tyme it looked d best tat u could decide….so wher s d chance 2 regret….in fact if it were not taken it might make u feel guilty all through….so stay guiltfree n answerable 2 ur own conscience….n d rest ll flow accordingly…there s so many chances tat u might end up lovin n respevtin urself all d way more jus cuz of few of those innocent foolish decisions….n d truth s d world s not so bad n tough tat even if some of ur decisions go wron it ll ve no place 4 ur survival….it ll ve a unique room4 u 2 even if end up in a big blunder….so y not takin risk n lose urself 2 wat ur heart says…..
As I’m lookin out through my window sippin my coffee I decide it s not tat bad I’ve done by losin my element or losin d chance 4 a few months 2 enjoy d beauty of my life or by livin in an imaginary pain…..at least I experienced sumthin diff 4m d predictable n obvious monotonous life…..n d best part it has made me stronger than ever n ve made me realize how thrillin d journey of life can b jus if u make a lil change in ur regular plan…………..
Life ll take its course…..always… no matter if u enjoy it or jus waste it by letting urself stuck…..n wen u look back n realize u shouldn’t ve who nos how much life u ll b left wid….so no matter wat lets jus c d beauty of dis amazing life n makes it all d more exorbitant by jus seein it 4m al d way possible…..or should I by messin it up wildly…..perhaps tat s 2 wild 2 digest…so let d wildness n mess up factor b exclusively 4 me….
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