D other day was d 1st Sunday of August…n hence celebrated s Friendship’s Day….lotta criticism…lotta anticipation….n also lotta enthusiasm…tat accompany d celebration….a group says it s jus a commercialized perception while others claim it 2 b a day stored only n only 4 frenz…. watever may it b we can come 2 a conclusion tat it s harmless….n y not…wat s d harm in celebratin a day dedicatin only 2 frenship????after all isn’t it 1 of d purest form of relationships…not shadowed by thousand other corrupted feelins n emotions….
History speaks about givin life in frenship….abt sacrificing everythin in frenship….n it happens….in true meanin….frenship doesn’t demand it…but people do everythin possible in frenship….cuz it s d most beautiful n selfless relation any1 can possess….people say ‘Love makes d world go round’…n I say ‘Frenship makes d world go alive’….
It’s been quite long tat I was lookin 4 an opportunity 2 thank my frenz…n jus took dis chance 2 pen down d feelins lyin at d bottom of heart…people say u ve 2 b lucky if u ve a true fren….n undoubtedly m 1 among d luckiest ones….cuz I’ve a bunch of frenz whom I can rely upon….whom I can shout at d top of my voice n d very next moment can demand 2 get me a cold drink….whom I can call up at d oddest hour 2 listen 2 my crappy talks….whom I can demand 2 take me to d highway CCD at 3O’ clock in d morning….n most importantly on whom I can trust even my eyes closed….m I really not 1 of d most luckiest of d crowd????
There ve been so many incidents n accidents in my life wherin m left all alone in d crowd by situations….n those tymes all I could ve was d bunch of my frenz…who could never let me b alone….b it a personal problem or a professional crisis all I had 2 do was jus 2 text any1 of d gang…n all ll jus b next 2 me…wen I needed sumbody 2 listen 2 my unending crappy cribbins they were there…wen I needed 2 laugh my heart out they were there….wen I needed sumbody 2 make me console wen my continuosly flowin emotions had no bound they were thre….wen I needed sumbody 2 solve my probles they were there…..n tat 2 widout makin d tiniest complaint….I really don no wat they r made of….but all they did all through was jus to pamper me…..n 2 make me feel like a princess….
I still remember d gang of my frenz who cried wid me wen I had lost control on my emotions…who stood by me wen my insane mind planned all d psychic plans….who hid any possible weapon wid wat I could hurt myself….I still remember my frenz who got me Dominos’ 2 make up 4 a fight 4 which I was d culprit….I still remember my frenz who cooked food 4 me, got me cakes every hour jus 2 kill my mad appetite….supplied cold drinks n chips while I had fun watchin all kinda horror movies…..wat not I had made ‘em do n they carried all my idiotic demands widout makin d slightest hiss…
I rem every single of their support wen I was in need of it...rem those nytes wen i used 2 crib abt my idiotic boyfren n they had listened 2 thos widout even ever knowin who tat guy s...rem those moments wen I shouted on d same guy accusin him of my sadness n despite knowin tat m d culprit they still were on my side....they consoled me wid d utmost patience....took my idiotic cribbins....n made me feel m d best....n also supported me 2 plan 2 execute d one who caused my pain....heights of support....n i know it was all cuz they wanted me 2 smile n they were tryin 2 do it in any damn way possible....
In dis unknown city wen I had no1 2 even talk 2, more than me my frenz chose 2 b bothered….more than me they were bothered how m gonna stay safe….n get goin wid d new life….n 2day wen m comfortably set I know it’s all ‘em who made it happen….all my life I ll cherish every single moment wid u guys….d moments wen I made ‘em carry my luggage while me walkin royally….made ‘em get in2 ladies compartment 2 place my staffs… every single moment of those wen they gave me lessons on Central, Western n Harbor lines of Mumbai railways…scared me wid d stories of Mumbai rain….gave GYAN on bus service….and also buyin me Rail Guide…. I ll cherish all d moments wen we got drenched royally on sea face….tried clickin pics like old movie stars….screamed n pulled legs like bunch of zombies…isn’t every single of these moments special…..yup…they r…n I love u guys 4 every bit of it…
I don no how 2 thank my frenz…words r less everytyme wen emotions take d front seat…same s my situation now….cant end explainin u guys….jus wanna say tat I LOVE U GUYS…4 each n every sweet moment we’ve shared…I might not b callin u up everyday…might not b textin u every half n hour…but I want u 2 no 1 thin….u guys r pages of my life book….i love u like never b4….i miss u like never b4…jus wish we stay dis way 4ever….jus want u 2 no u guys r my priced possessions….widout u life wont b d same…cuz u color my life….me wont b me widout u all…
Frenship rocks….n especially U Guys Rock…..Love U Always….
Gud points..I too had experience those in bangalore few years back.