Everybody talks about love these days....And why not.....Valentine's Month is running and so does the air get fragrant with LOVE..........And everyone, indifferent of their age are humming to the tune of love...Everybody is happy.....Everybody is content....and....Everybody is trying their best to make up for all the time they ignored the small happiness of their partner....And the success of all the effort comes alive, with the heartfelt smile on the lips of the person for whom all the efforts were planned.....
Well….there was a time, when this days meant so much for me….Only reason being I took the pleasure of making some stupid, idiotic but honest attempts to make my LOVE happy….Well, the truth is I might have really not known the real meaning of what that particular word meant….But all I could understand that I should do my best to make an effort to make up for all the time I made the other person cry, get angry and curse himself for choosing to be with me….
In making those attempts what I didn’t realize is that love is not about celebrating just a day of happiness and glossy feelings, but is about making small happiness possible each and every day…..What I didn’t realize is that love is all about making the other person feel that he has someone on whom he can trust even during his worst time….What I didn’t realize is love is all about handling things in a way to make them just incidents of life, not accidents….And by the time the realization of these simple facts started blooming in me, perhaps it was too late…..
Today when everybody is celebrating love, and I’m busy analyzing my way of understanding the same, then and now, I find myself at faults for most of the things…..I find myself to be an arrogant little brat, who just made others life impossible and who just knew nothing about doing anything for others…That might not probably be my fault entirely, as I was not even considered given a chance to change myself any day, but the story ends at the point when things go wrong, without a conclusion….And that remains a fact for always….
Today, I’m writing this to let all the people who ever loved me and bore all my arrogance till their last level of limit, that I was wrong in many ways….I was wrong in every way might be…But there is a fact you all should know, and that will always remain so…And that’s that, I still feel for you the way I always did..I still feel you are the best thing that ever could happen to me…… And I’m grateful to all the sources that it happened….
On this day of love, just wish wherever you are, just stay happy….Thanks for all the memories you gave me….Thanks for all the time you shared with me….And thanks for making me feel like a Princess…..And most importantly thanks for making me strong and a fighter for life....Wish, life brings you all the goodness and ushers you with the best in everything....Wish love finds you the best way possible, and most importantly stay beloved always.....
Happy Valentine's Day to you all..................
P.S. This is my last V Day note this season......Wish love find you all the lovely people there.....and stays with you for life long........
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