Yes…I’m a girl….Yes I’m complicated…Yes I’m difficult to deal with…
I do things most of you feel are useless…I do things that you never feel are logical…I do things which are highly inappropriate to go with that particulAr situation…I do things which are childish…I do things that hardy makes sense for an average adult…
I read Cecilia and cry with Holly knowing she never exists.….I watch Enchanted and dream about fairytales knowing they happen only in flicks…I tune with Avril, and believe that I play better than her knowing that I hardly can hold the guitar….I hum with Taylor and believe in Love Stories knowing that those are just plain luck….
I believe that people around me will think of me the way I do for them although I see the truth that they don’t.…..I believe there cannot be anyone who thinks bad of anyone although I know it is simply the other way around.….I believe nobody on earth should go through pain although I know everybody has to deal with lot of those…
I drink my iceberg and break the glass and end up paying for it….I eat chocolates and keep the wrapper as it makes me sad to throw it away…..I eat calories and next 2 hours keep promising to myself that, I will never repeat it…..I love the chocolates that come inside the gift wrappers than the ones that I buy…
I love it when you buy flowers for me, not when you plan a five course dinner for me…I love it when you feed me knowing that is ridiculous of me….I go shopping and end up buying cookies instead of dinner….I forget about the boiling milk on the stove when I sit in front of the television….
I get angry and shout at the top of my voice not caring for your peace of mind…I get irritated and start eating chocolates foRgetting about diet…I get wild and break the glasses not realizing I will miss them once they are gone….I get hyper and try boxing you not accepting that I can never defeat you…I feel sad and cry on your shoulder not bothering you have something important to attend….I land in problem and keep hoping that you will come and save me regardless of the depth of it…..I don’t sleep thinking you will call up and sing a song for me…
I do things which makes you feel I’m worthless and stupid…..
But then, I run to you when you are in trouble…I never sleep when you cant sleep making your presentations…I don’t care about my nails and feed you when you are not well…. I don’t eat when you don’t get time to eat…. I cry when you feel helpless…. I stay awake when you have nightmares…. I try making dinner for you, when it is your special day…
I make you sleep on my lap when you look sad….I buy gifts for you with my pocket money….I travel to unknown places to get a glimpse of you….I go pray everyday for your safety….I love you despite of knowing that you don’t any more…I wait for the happy time to come…I wait for my dreams to be true….
I do things that don’t hold any importance in a practical life…I do things which make others believe I’m foolish and unreal…I do things which you don’t think anyone should think…I do things that make you feel I’m immature to the core….
But then, I have a heart that never see bad…I have a heart that cries for the smallest pain in anyone…I have a mind that never lets others fall in trouble…I have a mind that never thinks bad of others….
Yes, I’m a girl….With lots negatives…Less positives….But I’m pure at heart…I’m true at heart….I have a fresh mind…I have a true mind…..Yes, I’m a girl….And I’m proud of it…
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