It’s been long that I’ve last updated my blog…And today, sitting at the last week of the year (or should I say, the most exciting and vivacious year of my life), I wanna pen down something, exclusively for myself….And what can be more gracious to conclude this year’s blogging, than updating it with my own evaluation of the journey I kept continuing all through, despite of all the hurdles (at least in my own tiny way) and at times, almost some kind of breakdown feeling….
Well….in general, I’m a person, who doesn’t believe in taking so called ‘New Year Resolutions’, cuz, I know ‘M too impulsive to follow any of them…..So, as always last year (or rather at the end of the last year too), I didn’t have any sort of resolution, which I would have planned to follow throughout the year….And accordingly I ended up having a year, with a great deal of ‘Ups & Down’…’Hues & Cries’…’Smile & Tears’…and the list goes on….To be really honest, in fact I myself never expected so much of them…..But the truth is, I had a year with the largest nos of incidents and accidents….and the best part of each of them was that, I was taught an array of new things every time I encountered them…. And so, I pat myself for not planning my life in a sorted out way…..Well, as the saying goes, what is the fun in watching a movie, if you already know the story of it…..And, that is how….I’m more than happy to experience each and everything of what the year unfolded for me (no doubt most of them had made me shed tears, and the amount of tears I shed during the year can beat the collective amount of my entire life)……………
The year itself had started in the most unexpected note for me….or rather should I say, in a ‘Transitional Note ???’…..Whatever it might be, it was surely not the usual way….And as the year started rolling, lot of things, on which I used have blind faith, turned out to be utter misleading truths of life…..And on the other hand, things which I used to ignore all through, became the most important parts of me…..And this itself was one of the very few things that almost lifted my life upside down…..There was a time, when I found myself, standing on the middle of a road, which was out my wildest imagination….And things around was, so strangely strange that I could not figure out (at most of the times) whether I really was a part of all that…. And when I came back to reality, it was time to know that I had to start everything from the beginning, all over again……
And…I did….Maybe cuz, I had no choice to make….Maybe cuz, I had realized inside me that, it was the best for me…..or maybe cuz, I wanted to do it….And finally, I resorted to a new life (of course with a lot of tears shed)….Got into a place, which I was the most scared of…..and not to mention all alone (leaving all my friends behind, and disappointing them to the core, but trust me, you guys are my life)….There was a time, at this phase, when I had cried while traveling….while in office….while sleeping….while eating food…. And all the tears, finally made me realize that every drop of it makes a drop lesser for the future….That is how, I started feeling strong, and today I feel stronger than ever……I feel, I’m back in my own small world, only difference between the one I had earlier is that now I have lesser reason to shed tears about…..have lesser people to care about…..have lesser people who make me cry…..have lesser people to make me hate myself……And most importantly have MORE and MORE reasons to feel happy about….
And that makes me come back to the BIGGEST and TRUEST conclusion of life…That life really IS STRANGE….Today the things that keep you and your interest occupied, tomorrow you will learn to live without them….So where is the reason to plan out your life with only certain things in focus….Cuz, if there is one small shake, the entire plan goes haywire…..So, at the end, it doesn’t really matter, what we planned, unless and until the assumed result doesn’t show up…..Hence, have been taking chances with things in life….And I’m positive about enjoying the journey twice more than I would have, had I planned it perfectly….
Well….enough of self-analysis…..it’s time, I stop thinking and let my hair loose….Of course, it’s time for welcoming a brand new year…In a brand new way…..And wish, like the last one, this year too brings an extravagant bouquet of experiences for me…..
Wish all my loved ones one of the most mesmerizing year ahead…………………